Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Impact Of Divorce On Childhood Development - 2370 Words

The Impact of Divorce on Childhood Development Based on the Ecological Systems Theory Gianna Marie Helmer, LPN Excelsior College Abstract The first three years of a child s life are the most significant for growth and development, both mentally and physically. Young children perceive situations and events that occur in their environment differently depending on their developmental stage. Urie Bronfenbrenner is a psychologist that came up with the Ecological Systems Theory which is a modern theory of development. The Ecological Systems Theory was created into a model that has multiple system levels. The first level that directly impacts a child the most is called the microsystem and this system consists of family, peers, school, and health services. Divorce is being seen more often in society today and is happening earlier. Divorce can be very traumatic to a child even if the divorce was mutual and as peaceful as possible; imagine if it was a bad divorce? This puts stress and anxiety on young children and can affect their development. More and more studies are being conducted in the last thirty years showing the negati ve effects divorce has on young children. The more we find out exactly how and why it affects children so greatly we can come up with recommendations and strategies to help deal with it in a way that will not hinder the child s development. This paper will connect the modern day developmental perspective with studies that have shownShow MoreRelatedA Society Of Family Life992 Words   |  4 PagesChanging Nature of Childhood) by Deborah Chambers explores further into post-divorce families and the impact of new media, discovering the effects it has on young people and children in family homes. Chamber’s also addresses aspects such as race, ethnic identity and gender comparing individual values to cultural customs of today’s society and the diversity of family life. 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