Friday, June 12, 2020

Essay on Mozart

Essay on Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was a world-famous Austrian composer. He was a prominent representative of the Viennese classical school, a musician of universal talent that became apparent in his early childhood. In Mozart’s music the ideas of German Enlightenment are reflected. He managed to embody the artistic experience of various national schools and traditions. Mozart modified the traditional operatic forms and individualized genre types of symphonies. This great composer created more than 20 operas, over 50 symphonies, concertos for piano and for violin, chamber and instrumental (trios, quartets, quintets, etc.), piano works (sonatas, variations, fantasies), â€Å"Requiem†, masses, choral works and songs. Mozart is the creator of the classic forms of concerto for solo instrument and orchestra. Emotions and passion are typical for the music of Mozart, as well as endurance and strong will. In his music the grace and tenderness of the gallant style are retained. Creativity of Mozart is focused primarily on the enhanced expression of the soul world, on faithful display of the reality in its variety. The music of Mozart conveys the feeling of fullness of life, joy of life, as well as human suffering, while experiencing oppression of the unjust social system. In this divine music everyone can feel a passionate striving for happiness and joy. Even though sometimes grief prevails, clear, harmonious and vital mood is dominant. The true fame came to Mozart after his death. The name of Mozart has become a symbol of supreme musical talent and creative genius, the unity of beauty and truth of life. Numerous musicians, writers, philosophers and scientists emphasize the intrinsic value of Mozart’s masterpieces and a huge role in the spiritual life of mankind.